Insight 14 December 2022

9 ways to reduce office waste

Now more than ever, 人们意识到有必要采取更可持续的行动,减少我们对环境和气候的负面影响. You may have made changes already, like switching to a less polluting car model, 但是你能做些什么来减少工作生活对环境的影响呢?

Every day, offices generate huge volumes of unnecessary waste. 大部分垃圾都被填埋了,而这些垃圾本来可以重新利用和再利用. And with more people feeling strongly about sustainability issues,你的员工可能会希望尽量减少他们所做的工作对环境的影响.


What can you do to reduce your office waste?

The world of work is becoming increasingly digitised, 但是日常的办公生活仍然消耗着大量的资源. And it’s not just paper that we’re binning. Plastic bottles and single-use cups, broken electronic devices, waste food, packaging and much more all add to the pile.

With the ever-increasing urgency to look after our environment, it’s clear that organisations that want to reduce waste, in the office, need to do more than provide a few different bins.

在Mitie,我们寻求每一个机会,以尽量减少我们的业务浪费. Following our merger with Interserve, we collected and recycled 10,000 bags of old uniforms and, through an innovative recycling project, saved 80 tonnes of material from going to landfill.


1. Appoint waste champions

更好的可持续性和回收做法更有可能通过同行鼓励而不是管理层的指令来采用. Appoint a waste prevention team to champion green initiatives. 他们可以帮助创造一种积极和包容的文化,鼓励人们以更环保的方式工作.

2. Take a waste audit

A waste audit can help set a baseline and create benchmarks to track office waste. 通过这样做,你可以看到人们是否正确地回收,并为减少废物和回收设定目标. But try to keep it light-hearted.

3. Start with small wins

想想你可以在办公室做的小改变,这将有利于员工和组织. 如果你发现员工不知道该用哪个垃圾箱来放某些物品, use signage to show what materials can go where. 这将帮助他们理解并给他们更多的信心来回收.

4. Go paperless

大多数组织没有理由不能以某种方式抛弃使用纸张的习惯. 这样做的好处包括节省了通常用来存放纸张的空间, saving costs on printing, easier access to information online and increased productivity. It also offers great environmental benefits, 比如从造纸厂节约树木,减少送往垃圾填埋场的纸张数量. And it all helps to reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint.

5. Eliminate single-use materials

工作午餐真的可以没有垃圾,而且没有时间浪费在减少办公室里的一次性物品上. 投资可重复使用的餐具、盘子和杯子可以减少对一次性物品的需求. 这有助于拥抱循环经济,减少办公室产生的废物.

6. Provide filtered water

塑料瓶是一个巨大的废物制造者,数十亿的塑料瓶最终被填埋. When it comes to plastic bottles, 办公室里的人不应该使用它们,而应该提供实用的替代方案. 一个很好的方法是为员工提供过滤水和玻璃杯, and even branded reusable water bottles. 这样可以减少浪费,员工也可以通过不购买瓶装水来省钱.

Woman placing glass water bottles on an office meeting table

7. 堆肥

与食品相关的回收不仅仅是确保包装可以重复使用. Many organisations now have composting bins on their premises, where organic waste can be collected, then taken away to create useful fertilisers for agriculture. 浪费 food, napkins, tea bags and even the cup sleeves that come with your coffee, 所有的垃圾都可以直接放入堆肥箱,并在其他地方得到充分利用吗. Mitie helped 铁路网将食物垃圾填埋量减少了80% 从而减少了公司的碳足迹并为他们节省了资金.

8. Offer incentives

给员工一个回收目标可以增加你减少废物工作的乐趣和激励因素. 挑战员工用容器包装零浪费午餐,而不是去超市购买包装食品. 这将减少浪费,消除一次性物品的使用,拥抱循环经济.

9. Education is key

缺乏知识往往是办公室产生不必要的废物并最终被填埋的原因. 员工培训不仅有利于办公室周围的人,也有利于整个组织. Informative ‘Lunch and learn’ sessions, 员工可以在哪里找到什么可以回收,什么不能回收,以及如何丢弃一次性材料, are extremely useful. By taking time to educate staff in waste management, 该组织将体验到更好的回收率和减少浪费, and staff will feel part of the solution not the problem.


Need further waste management support? Enquire with Mitie today!

Whatever the nature of your organisation, and whatever your waste management goals, Mitie has the services to help you, based on more than three decades of expertise. Take a closer look at our commercial recycling services, or for more specific advice and support, get in touch with our team today.

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